The Effectiveness of Endovenous Methods of Treatment for Varicose Veins of Lower Limbs

  • #ES 02-EP-7
  • Endovascular Surgery. E-POSTER (ORAL) SESSION-2
  • E-Poster (oral)

The Effectiveness of Endovenous Methods of Treatment for Varicose Veins of Lower Limbs

Anna L. Kulakova 1, Andrej V. Protasov 1, Kirill E. Golovanev 2, Dmitrij L. Titarov 1

PFUR, Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Medical Institute, Moscow, Russia; FMBA, KB 85 Federal Medical Biological Agency, Clinical Hospital 85, Moscow, Russia;

Date, time and location: 2018.05.26 13:30, Exhibition area, 1st Floor. Zone – A


More than 25% of the population of the industrial countries and Russia suffer from varicouse vein disease (VV) of the lower limbs. Over the past 15 years the approach to VV treatment has changed. The effectiveness of the newly emerged endovenous methods is comparable and in many ways exceeds the results of "traditional" phlebectomy. The aim of this research is to improve the results of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) therapy for patients with varicose veins of lower limbs by assesment the pain syndrome and other complications. To show the effectiveness of endovenous methods of treatment on various stages of the disease. The main objective of this study is to compare RFA and traditional phlebectomy, to assess the severity of the disease and the quality of patients life before and after the RFA endovascular treatment technique, to develop an algorithm for choosing the method of varicose vein treatment on different stages of the disease, to evaluate the safety of endovenous treatment method by the presence of complications. Methods and materials. The study involved 120 people. All patients were divided into 2 groups. The first group included patients after RFA (n = 60), the second group included patients who underwent traditional phlebectomy (n =60), ages from 18 to 77, both sexes (70% female), (30% male). VNUS ClosurePlus system (VNUS Medical Technologies) was used for RFA. Results: thermal ablation of GSV with VNUS Closure system is very effective procedure. The procedure is performed under tumescent local anaesthesia and allows to return to daily activities quicker with optimal medical and esthetic results, with high patients satisfactory. Conclusion: RFA can be recommended for patients with VV if the GSV diameter less than 3 mm or more than 12 mm. Complications are very rare, but in order to prevent them appropriate training is required. Doppler ultrasound is fundamental and essential for planning the optimal strategy, proper control on all steps and follow up of patients.

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